TAGS LIVE November 18 Show Notes
On Episode 219 of TAGS LIVE Host, Steve V. and Co-host Kodi Maurice Doggette ( @mistahmaurice ) talk new documentary, "Born To Be" about trans gender-affirming surgery, sharing our HIV status and our age on the Apps plus proper adult toy cleaning to avoid breaking our toys and the 'sexiest man alive'... Follow us @tagspodcast and take our poll: Patreon.com/talkaboutgaysex
BORN TO BE Documentary Review by Steve V. Rodriguez - https://www.talkaboutgaysex.com/blog/2020/11/18/born-to-be
Alex Cheves story on telling family he is HIV positive: https://www.hivplusmag.com/print-issue/2020/11/17/lets-write-about-sex
Brown’s recommendations on cleaning your sex toys: https://www.brown.edu/campus-life/health/services/promotion/content/whats-best-way-clean-sex-toys
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TAKE THIS WEEK’S SEX POLL! Patreon.com/talkaboutgaysex