On Episode 253 of TAGSPODCAST, Host, Steve V. and Co-host Jeremy Ross Lopez welcome Kodi Maurice Doggette, who fills in for Lincoln this week. Hot topics include the most controversial gay porn scene ever involving twins, Former Porn Star, Johnny Hazzard on life after porn, the joy and beauty of Asian-American Men plus, not into anal sex a deal breaker? Follow us on IG: @tagspodcast
#STOPASIANHATE - The Joy and Beauty of Asian-American Men - https://www.advocate.com/photography/2021/3/28/joy-and-beauty-asian-american-men#media-gallery-media-1
TAGS LIVE! - EVERY WEDNESDAY FROM 6-7PM PST; 9-10PM EST with Host, Steve V. and Kodi Maurice Doggette - GetVokl.com/channel/tagslive
CLUB HOUSE - SEX Positivity LGBTQ - with Steve V. and Kodi Maurice Doggette 9-11PM EST
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