EP 504 Anjelica Ross 'leaving Hollywood'? Adam Mac Cancels Concert Due to Homophobia, Botched Penis! Who to invite...
On a new TAGSPODCAST aka Talk About Gay Sex podcast Host Stevie is joined by Co-hosts Jeremy Ross Lopez and Kodi Maurice Doggette for all new LGBTQ topics, sex and relationship adivce and more:
Angelica Ross is 'leaving Hollywood'?....Why?
AIDS Memorial Sculture in Palm Springs is causing a lot of controversy and not in a good way
Dixon Dallas is back with a new song and more raunchy lyrics and we are here for it
Adam Mac cancels concert due to Homophobia...should he have?
Adult Actor Logan Aaron sets up a Go Fund Me to support him due to possible testicular cancer
Botched Penis! Man gets only 25K...
Who to invite to your Bachelor Party...who's off the list...
Can you be sexual around your friends?
The new phone etiquette!
Follow Steve V. on IG: @iam_stevev
Follow Jeremy on IG: @jrosslopez
Follow Kodi's Life Coaching on IG: @kmdcoaching
Follow Kodi on IG: @mistahmaurice
Join us Oct. 29 - Nov. 5 for VACAYA’s 2023 Mexico Resort vacation Use our Promo Code: TAGS and get up to $200 off! https://www.myvacaya.com/trip/mexico-resort-2023/
Wanna drop a weekly or one time tip to TAGSPODCAST - Show your love for the show and support TAGS!Visit our website: tagspodcast.com
Needs some advice for a sex or relationship conundrum? Ask TAGS! DM US ON IG or https://www.talkaboutgaysex.com/contact
NYC AIDS Memorial: https://www.nyclgbtsites.org/site/nyc-aids-memorial/
New Dixon Dallas song! https://www.out.com/gay-music/dixon-dallas#rebelltitem1
The new phone etiquette: https://www.washingtonpost.com/technology/2023/09/25/cell-phone-etiquette-call-voicemail/